Make "% of master balance" based on "max. trading balance"
In most cases it is neccessary to use "% of master balance" when copying trades.
If I have an account with 10000$ and the master uses 10% of his balance for a trade, 10% of my
balance will be used = 1000$ for this trade.I like to use "max. trading balance" to limit the risk of losing everything on liquidation of a master account.
My idea:
Let "% percentage of master balance" relate to "max. trading balance", not to the full account balance.
- Account size: 10000$
- "max. trading balance": 5000$
- master opens trade with 10% of his balance. Copier opens trade with 10% of MAX TRADING BALANCE (not 10% of the full account) = opens a trade for 500$
- this way, i can make sure, that the remaining funds of the account (5000$) will never be used for trading, just as backup funds to prevent liquidation by keeping liquidation price (on cross margin) far away from the position price.
made satria
actually a good idea in my opinion. but isn't it true that if the master is liquidated then the position will be closed and therefore all accounts connected to it will also experience the same thing, the entire position will be closed (although not losing the entire balance)??
Komang Satyawira
made satria It would be great if Finandy had a feature so that closes due to liquidation would not be followed by subscribers (if subscribers were not affected by liquidation). only normal closes are followed by subscribers
made satria
Komang Satyawirathat would be very interesting
Sorry, this was suposed to mean
Account size: 10000$
"max. trading balance": 5000$
not percentage...unfortunaltey i cannot edit this post :(