In most cases it is neccessary to use "% of master balance" when copying trades.
If I have an account with 10000$ and the master uses 10% of his balance for a trade, 10% of my
balance will be used = 1000$ for this trade.
I like to use "max. trading balance" to limit the risk of losing everything on liquidation of a master account.
My idea:
Let "% percentage of master balance" relate to "max. trading balance", not to the full account balance.
  • Account size: 10000$
  • "max. trading balance": 5000$
  • master opens trade with 10% of his balance. Copier opens trade with 10% of MAX TRADING BALANCE (not 10% of the full account) = opens a trade for 500$
  • this way, i can make sure, that the remaining funds of the account (5000$) will never be used for trading, just as backup funds to prevent liquidation by keeping liquidation price (on cross margin) far away from the position price.